Friday, May 14, 2010

Poster Art

Lee Havlicek on the poster:

I took this photo a few months ago and it has been kicking around in my brain ever since. The poster is actually a crop of a larger photo. There's not any truly solid reason why I should like it as much as I do, but it's one of my favorites.  I really like her expression- particularly her eyes and how bright they are, as well as the patch of light on the wall behind her, which is a little harder to see in the poster because I played around with the image a bit. I also think a person's hands are one of the most interesting parts of their body- hands and eyes, really. So the fact that you can see both in this photo and that they say a lot about someone catches my attention. The light and the fact that there's something a little bit off about the photo- a little unpolished are what I like most in it. Those are really two things that I love about photography- catching moments of light and moments that are in-between- that aren't constructed or purposefully projected. Those are the photos that really mean something to me. I showed this poster and a few others that I created, some shot specifically for the show, to a bunch of people and nearly everyone I showed the different options to picked this particular one. Everyone saw something a little different in it. Didactic art is nearly as interesting or effecting, so to me, that's really important- even in a poster. 

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